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The Story of Quail Point Farm

Handmade with love

First, we want to give God glory! Without him we would not have this opportunity.

Our passion is our livelihood. Here at Quail Point Farm, we strive to make quality crafted items here on our farm. 

We are the Jenkins family. We have been living the country life for quite some time and we love it. When we moved to our property we were astonished on how many wild quail lived on this land. With the abundant wild quail and the fact we live on top of a hill gave us our name, Quail Point Farm.

We had been searching on how to be able to balance a 9-5 job and the farm life without it being overwhelming. One day my husband and I talked and said let's just do it! Let's work hard and make our dream a reality. We decided to open up shop. With our ultimate end goal of being our own bosses so we can stay full time on the farm.

We all love watching things grow. Our gardens and our animals are are the most fun. The amazement of what we can create by all our hard work is such a sense of achievement it continues to drive us.

We have seven goats, a couple cows, tons of chickens, a couple of pigs, and a couple of sheep. My husband loves farming, outdoor cooking, and building things. I love crafting, home décor, home cooking and being self reliant. We both love homesteading and the life it gives us. We want to share with you!

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About Us: About Us
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